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Frugal Living Tips

Living a more frugal life is not the same as being cheap. I’ve been living a more frugal lifestyle for many years out of necessity. So I’ve picked up a few frugal living tips along the way. We were on one income for a long-time because my husband was a stay-at-home dad till our youngest…

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Things To Buy Used

One thing that I’ve always done is find ways to save money on the things that my family needs. This goes for anything that I might have to buy. Whether it’s hitting the sales/clearance racks or finding the stuff that we need used. I’m always on the hunt for the best deal for my money. …

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Mini-Savings Challenges

One of the best ways I’ve found over the years to save money is to do mini-savings challenges. These are easier ways to save a bit of money but not feel like you’re going without to put money into your savings. There are different types of savings challenges. But I really like doing small or…

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