An emotional decluttering is as simple and complex as clearing unwanted emotions from your mind. It is taking the various thoughts and emotions in your head and releasing them out to gain clarity and calmness.
It’s the conscious effort to reduce the clutter of thoughts and emotions that can cloud your judgment and stifle your creativity. By releasing unwanted or unneeded thoughts and emotions you can start to really travel down a path of self-improvement and discovery.
When you do emotional decluttering, you can set yourself on the path of gaining control of your thoughts and feelings. And begin to let go of the things that might have been holding you back.
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Setting the Stage for Emotional Decluttering
The first thing you need to do is realize that there are thoughts and feelings about your past that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.
These are things that may have come from past relationships with friends, significant others, and even family.
One thing that we often forget is that for every relationship we are in, we have things that we take away from them. Whether it’s positive or negative these things often stay with us for years.
This is something that I think many people struggle with. We carry around not just the feelings that we had/have for others. But things that they have said or done to us as well. This is something that I am currently working through which prompted me to write this. These are some of the things that I have learned while doing my own decluttering.
Getting Started
The best way to tackle this is to get a journal, notebook, or just some scrap paper. Then write down EVERYTHING that you are thinking and feeling right at this moment. Just a word or two for now. Things like fear, anxiety, stress can all cause us to have unwanted or needed thoughts and can interfere with our lives. So take some time to write out what you are feeling.
Once you do this you can start to tackle the reasons you feel these things. By answering some of these questions you can really dive into the WHY behind them.
- What comes to mind with the feelings?
- Are there memories attached to them? What are they?
- Who are the people that come to mind when you think of these feelings or thoughts? Do you feel good or bad at the memory?
- What are some things you can do to change your thinking about them?
These are just a few base questions you can answer. You can find more journal prompts here.
Journal Prompts for Self-Growth

Meditation for Emotional Decluttering
Meditation is the act of getting to understand your mind by listing to it. It is tuning out your surroundings to fully understand what your mind is trying to tell you.
This is a big part of the emotional decluttering process. It’s where the real work begins. By meditating you’re listening to both your mind and body to understand what is really going on under the surface. Use meditation to identify and clear out unwanted thoughts from your mind. And it will aid you on your path of decluttering your emotions and thoughts.
One of the benefits of using Meditation for emotional decluttering is that it helps to calm your mind and body so that you can focus. By focusing on yourself internally you begin to get a feel for the things that bother you both mentally and physically.
There are many different types of meditation you can do. The most important thing is to find one that works best for you and your unique needs.
Related Reading: What is Self-Care and Changes to Improve Your Mindset
Benefits of Emotional Decluttering
The benefit to decluttering your mind is that you can gain a new perspective on yourself. What it is that makes you tick. It can help you identify your fears and things that can cause low-key anxiety. And can help you sort through the things that are bothering you on a deeper level.
After you go through the decluttering process you should start to feel more focused and clearer about your life and the directions you want to go in. Even if you are content with the way your life is, this can still help to identify things that you may not realize are bothering you.
It will add clarity and allow you to better focus on the things that you need to. This can also help to
The overall impact that this can have on your life is to allow you to process and get rid of thoughts and feelings that you may not even know are bothering you. These can cause unwanted fear, anger, and anxiety that follow you around each day. They can also interfere with your normal activities and relationships. By doing a simple emotional decluttering you can begin to form a better relationship with those around you.
Final thoughts
Performing emotional decluttering is really very simple and has many benefits. By taking the steps to identify things that might be bothering you, you are better able to work through your problems and figure out the things that work best for you.
Whether it’s journaling or meditating, or a combo of both. Identifying those thoughts and feelings that weigh you down each day is the best way to start on a journey of emotional decluttering and further down your unique path to self-discovery and improvement.
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