The best way to set yourself up for a good day is to have a good morning routine. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and can help get you moving around better. Whether you go to a job, work from home, or are a stay-at-home parent. A good solid morning routine is the best way to start your day off right.
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Having a solid routine each day is something that I’m still working on. I’m trying to find just the right combination of things to get me going in the morning. Which can be difficult because I’m definitely not a morning person so it’s really hard for me to get up and going.
I have managed to get a morning routine of sorts started. But it’s by no means perfect. I still end up rushing out the door to get to work because I sometimes fall back to sleep after I take the kids to school.
One of the reasons that I have such a hard time is because I have an irregular schedule at the job. This really makes it hard to get a consistent routine at night. Which of course transfers over to the next day.
But I am slowly working on getting both morning and night routines worked out in a way that is best for me.
Regardless it’s still important to have a routine that works for you. The key is to find the right mix of things that fit with your personality and life.
Why a Morning Routine is Important
Your morning routine gets you motivated to face the day ahead. That is one of the main reasons why having a solid routine each day is so important.
When you just roll out of bed and start the day it can make you feel rushed to get going and may mess up your whole day.
But if you give yourself time in the morning to get up and moving. It can make the rest of the day flow better.
One of the things I like to do when I have time is to watch a little TV or write in my journal before I get ready. This journal is great for helping you get your thoughts out and onto paper. I just sit with my first of many cups of coffee for the day and gets me out of my head for a bit. It lets me relax a little and get motivated before I have to start running around for the day.
Getting motivated in the morning is key to getting everything done that you want or need to. It can help you feel less tired and more alert throughout the day. And can make that oh so long to-do list a little easier to tackle.
A good morning routine will also allow you to start the day more relaxed and have a more positive outlook for the day ahead.
And we all know that having a positive mood throughout the day is essential to having a good day.

Related Reading: Journal Prompts for Self Growth and Ways to Improve Your Life
Ideas to Add to Your Morning Routine
There are a number of things you can do as part of your morning routine.
Like I said already, I like to watch some TV while I have my coffee in the morning.
But there are other things you can add to your morning routine that can help you get motivated to start the day. Most of us have a personal hygiene routine in the morning but by adding some other simple things in you can have an even better day. And you can keep track of things easily by using a habit tracker
Make your Bed
When you make your bed first thing it gives you a sense of accomplishment right away. That is one of the first things I do every day. It helps at night too. There is nothing worse than having to make your bed right before you get into it at night. So, make your bed right away and you don’t have to worry about it at night.
Do Something you enjoy!
By doing something fun or creative first thing in the morning you can relax a little and not worry about the rest of the day just yet. Read a book, play a video game, or just journal for a little bit before you head off to work or start your day. This is a great way to get motivated to get the day started.
Listen to music or a podcast.
One thing that can help break up the monotony of getting ready in the morning is to listen to your favorite music or a podcast while you get ready for the day. This can help wake up your brain and get the gears going for the day.
Get Up Before Everyone
If you can get up before the rest of the family so that you get a little bit of you time in the morning to enjoy yourself. You may have to get to bed a little earlier, but it can add some extra time for you to do something that you enjoy before you are too tired to do it at night.
Go for a Walk
Adding a walk to your morning is a great way to make sure you get some exercise and fresh air every day. This also gets your blood flowing and makes it easier to wake up.
Final Thoughts on Morning Routine
Finding the right morning routine that works for you might take some time. But it’s totally worth it in the end once you hit that sweet spot that lets you wake up and have some time to yourself. This is a great way to make sure you’re taking some time for self-care every day too.
Your morning routine is up to you. What works for one person won’t always work for you. The trick is to pick one or two things that you enjoy and make time for them in the morning.
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