Self-care hobbies for moms can help reduce stress and anxiety. Of course, all mothers know that taking care of their children is a top priority, but it’s also essential to take care of themselves. That’s why it’s essential for moms to have some self-care hobbies that they enjoy.
And as kids get older we usually end up with more time for ourselves. This means we can spend more time focusing on ourselves and the things we enjoy doing.
I’ve noticed that the kids don’t need me as much anymore and that I needed some other things to occupy my time. And I’ve never been one to sit and do nothing so I like to have a few hobbies that I can do for just myself.
Some of these I haven’t done but may do in the future. For now, my favorite self-care hobbies include reading, writing (for fun), and playing video games.
A few of these suggestions have the added benefit of being able to turn into side hustles if you want to make a little extra money too.
If you’re looking for some ideas, here are 24 suggestions.
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Why Hobbies Are Good for self-Care
There are only so many things you can do each day for self-care before they become too mundane and don’t really work well anymore.
That’s where having hobbies comes in. You’re still taking time for yourself but being productive and active too.
This can make it feel less selfish or even like it’s a forced activity.
Hobbies are great for anyone to have. But for parents, I think it’s even more important. We spend so much time taking care of others that we sometimes forget to care for ourselves.
Having hobbies is an important part of your self-care because they allow you to slow down. And give you something productive to do that keeps you active.
Why Parents Need Hobbies
Both moms and dads need to have hobbies they can do. They can do them together to spend time together. Or separately to have time for themselves.
Parents need to take time away from the kids and sometimes even each other.
Wanting time away from others doesn’t make you a bad parent or person.
It helps you be better because you’re taking care of yourself. This means you can be more present when they need you.
Top 16 Self-Care Hobbies for Parents

This is one of my favorite things to do. I love getting lost in a book. Or learning more about things that interest me. And since there are so many Ebooks out there I can read wherever I want. (though nothing beats the feel of a real book)
You can go big or small with this. I would suggest starting small with indoor plants to see if you have a green thumb or not. But there is something soothing about taking care of plants.
This is something that will always be a great hobby for anyone. It does take some patience at the beginning. But once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier.
Even if you can’t or don’t know how there are tons of ways to learn to draw online. And it’s a great way to get creative and relax.
Working out/yoga
I throw this in because it can still be a hobby if you enjoy working out or doing yoga.
Creative Writing
Poems, short stories, etc. These are great ways to relax and get creative.
Whether it’s carving wood or wood-burning there is something soothing about working with mood to create something from nothing.

There are different types of embroidery, and you may have to play around to find the one that works for you. But this is another hobby that is great for relaxing and self-care.
Cookies, Cake, Bread. You get the idea. But baking just for fun is great and you can get creative with what you make.
Even if you can’t paint or don’t know how it’s fun to do. And you can always do paint by numbers if you want.
Video games
This is one of my personal favorites. I usually sit down with my Switch for an hour or so at night. I like that there is problem-solving and/or strategy in most games. The reason is that there are some days when I just need to stop thinking about all the things. These let me tune out my thoughts and focus on the game.
Finding new trails to hike is fun and you can learn a lot about nature and the world around you.
This is one that I like. It helps me sort out my thoughts of the day. And helps me to work out some problems when I need to. If you are not sure what to write try these Journal Prompts.
This is a fun and creative way to preserve family moments and memories. And there is no set-in-stone way to do it so you can get really creative with it.
Learn an instrument
This is a great way to reduce stress and be creative. Learning an instrument can also help with memory and music appreciation.
Dance classes
Dancing lets you move without feeling like you’re working out. Plus it’s fun to learn different dances from around the world and history.
Self-Care Hobbies for Mom’s Final Thoughts
As a mom, I know that self-care is essential to being able to care for my kids and family every day. But there are some times that I still need to feel like I’m being productive. So I came up with some ideas for self-care hobbies for moms. Most of these are good for moms or dads and they really get you up and doing things too.
If there are any others you can think of, let me know in the comments!