One of the best ways to save money is to look for things to stop buying that you really don’t need. Each year we waste money on things that we don’t need but that we are used to buying or paying for all the time. I bet if you looked around your house or checked your expenses you would find quite a few things to stop buying.
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Things to Stop Buying or Wasting Money On
Water Bottles
These seem like they save you time and money. But they really don’t. And they are really bad for the environment. Most people grab them and just toss them out. But you can get a reusable water bottle that has a filter in it. You can carry it around and refill it as you need to.
Don’t get me wrong I love a good cup of coffee from my favorite café. But the cost of them can add up each week. You don’t have to stop getting them all together. Just cut out some of the trips. You would be surprised at how much you can save every month. If you have to have your coffee to go you can get a reusable coffee cup or invest in a home coffee or espresso machine. That way you can brew it at home and take it with you.
With all the different streaming apps out there you really don’t need to have cable. Just one or two of your favorite services will be more than enough. And if you really need to you can buy episodes of your favorite shows on Prime or Google Play.
New Clothes
You really don’t need to buy new clothes all the time. You can usually find clothes in thrift stores or sites like Posh Mark or Thedup. They have great deals on clothes for the family and it is really easy to find just what you need.
Fast Food/ Takeout
Getting fast food or take-out for meals is convenient. But it can also be expensive if you do it often. Most families eat out at least two to three times each week. And the cost adds up throughout the year. If you think about it an average meal out for families can be about $50 each time. If you cut out some of the extra spendings on take-out food and dining out you will save at least $2,600 a year.
Stop Paying for Gym Memberships
Gym memberships can be a waste of money for some people. If you have one and either never use it or just go once in a while it’s just like throwing money out each month. It can cost up to $40 a month for the membership. But you can often do the same or similar workouts right at home for free. Which will save you a good amount each year.
Extra Subscriptions
When was the last time you check for subscriptions you don’t use all the time? Most of us have several different streaming services for movies, TV, and/music. But if they are ones you don’t use on a daily basis you are better off cutting them out and saving that fee each month.
Womens Products
Some women’s products are a necessity but they are one thing to stop buying to save money. But you don’t always have to use women’s razors, shave cream, and things like that. Products that are marketed solely to women have a higher price tag than ones for men. It’s called the Pink Tax. And while it is not a crazy amount, women’s products cost more than men’s. But you can get products for men and spend less on them. I do this myself. I have super sensitive skin and could not afford the shaving cream for women with sensitive skin. So I go with a generic men’s shave cream and it costs about a dollar. Compare that to at least $2 for the generic women (in a smaller container) and you can see the difference.
Paper Plates, Napkins, and Towels
Paper products are another thing to stop buying to save money. You can just as easily use cloth napkins, hand towels, and plastic or ceramic plates instead. Yes, it means more washing, but paper products really are an unnecessary item that you waste money on each month.
Things Because They Are on Sale
Guilty here. There have been many times that I buy something just cause it’s “on-sale” and a “good deal”. Usually, it’s something that I don’t really need, never use, and just takes up space. These impulse buys are something that needs to be cut out so that you aren’t wasting money on things you don’t need.
Pre-made Goodies
Yes, it’s fun to reach for a couple of cookies when you want them. But it’s a lot cheaper if you make them yourself. Plus they taste better and it can be fun to do a batch of baking with the kids.

Related To Things to Stop Buying: How to Make a Budget and How to Build a Savings Account
Impulse Buys
How many times have you bought something just because? You had no real need of it and it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, these “impulse buys” can really add up. And they usually create more clutter and more things to clean.
Expensive Cell Phone Plans
We all know them. They are the ones that seemed like a good idea at the time. Usually, because you get a “free” phone or extra service. Then you get the bill and all the fees add up. It’s better to go with a pre-paid service from somewhere like Straight Talk or Republic Wireless. They are both good service providers and there aren’t extra fees. You pay each month or even for the year and you own the phone outright.
Extra Clothes for Occasions
It can be exciting to get new clothes for an occasion or holiday. But do you really need them? Chances are the outfit that you wore a few years ago is still wearable and most likely no one will realize that it’s not new. Or you can hit up a thrift store or consignment shop and find something there. Instead of shelling out a bunch for something you’re probably only going to wear once.
Expensive Vacations
I’m not saying to cut out your yearly vacation. Just spend a little less on it. One thing that my kids love it when we do something simple as a family. Yes going to a big fancy park is fun and all, but it can be really stressful and expensive. But you can have the same fun just visiting a smaller area or having a vacation close to home.
New Cars (Buy Used)
Statistically, cars lose some of it’s value the minute it leaves the lot. Then each year you own the car it continues to lose 10 -15% of its value. So if you buy a gently used car that is only a year or two old you can save quite a bit of money in the long run. These are also usually still under factory warranty and have a long way to go before it runs out.
Don’t get me wrong I love the feel of a new book. But there are ways that you can still enjoy reading them without the heavy cost. The best way is to head to the local library and check out books there. If you are a prime member you can usually get free kindle books. Or there are different apps that you can use to read books for free. Granted they may not be the newest bestseller out there, but hey free is free.
How many times have you grabbed a magazine at check out? Or you have a subscription to one that you get mailed to the house? While they are great ways to learn some new things you usually only read them once and throw them out. That is a pretty big waste of money in my opinion.
Name Brands
I’m not saying to never buy name-brand stuff. But there are plenty of products that are just as good that don’t have the expensive name attached to the item. One key example of this is food items. Most stores offer a cheaper store brand that is almost as good (sometimes better) than the normal name brand items. You can save a lot of money by switching to store brand products for food that you get often.
Extended Warranties on Electronics
Most of the time you don’t need to get an extended warranty on the electronic items that you buy. If you take care of them, they will usually last for a long time. But if your kids are really rough on stuff then it might be a good idea.
Little Décor Items/Candles
Don’t get me wrong. I love little cutesy nic-nacks too. But do you really need 20 different candles with the same sent? Or a million little figures around the house? Probably not. By cutting these out you can save a bit of money. You can buy your candles, use them then replace them. That will keep the cost and clutter down too.
Final Thoughts on Things To Stop Buying
Realistically there are probably many things that you could stop buying to save money and cut down clutter. Most of the time it will be things that are unique to you or your family’s spending habits. The basic thing is to really look at the things you spend money on each month that you could cut out. That is what will ultimately determine what things you should stop buying.
What are some things you could cut out to save money? Let me know in the comments