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16 Winter Self Care Ideas

Winter blues got you down. Well, doing some simple winter self-care is a great way to get your mojo back and feel more like yourself during the long winter night.

As with any type of self-care, finding what works best for you is half the battle. But doing just one or two things on this list is a good way to start and find what is the best for you.

Many of these are specific to winter. But some you can do year-round.

Why You Need Self-Care

The simple answer to this is that when you take care of yourself. You can take better care of those around you.

Making the time to really pamper yourself or just be by yourself for a bit really lets you get yourself regrouped. And able to take on everything that the world wants to throw at you.

Taking the time to practice self-care can do wonders for both your physical, emotional, and mental health.

By focusing on your own needs for a bit each day. You’re better able to take care of those around you.

Why is Self-care in Winter Needed?

Self-care in winter is a little more important than other times of the year.

The nights are longer, the days are colder and for most of us, we are spending way more time inside each day.

This means that many people experience winter blues at some point. Which makes self-care in winter even more important.

So if you are looking for some ways to take better care of yourself this winter I’ve got the perfect list for you.

hot coffee for winter self care

Winter Self-Care Ideas

  1. Enjoy a hot drink– Whether your team pumpkin spice or apple cider (apple here). A nice hot drink on a cold day is a perfect way to treat yourself.

2. Write in a journal– Getting your thoughts out on paper is a great way to get out of your head and organize your thoughts and feelings. If you need inspiration check out These Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery.

3. Get outside– I know it’s cold and dreary out. But just getting outside is a great way to take care of yourself.

4. Take a warm bath– Taking a long hot bath on a cold night is a great way to relax and get warm.

5. Get cozy with a book– Curl up in your favorite spot, grab a blanket and a book.

6. Visit with Friends– Spend some time with friends and family. Many people don’t get out as much in the winter. So making time to see each other is a great way to get everyone out of the house for a bit.

7. Get Creative– Winter is the perfect time to get in touch with your creative side. Take up a craft or start projects around the house. Since you are already home, this is really simple to do.

8. Explore your town– During the winter there are a lot fewer people in your area. This is the perfect time to explore your hometown and pretend to be a tourist there.

9. Outside Fire Pit – Having a little fire pit outside is a great way to relax and spend time outside.

fire pit for winter self care

10. Declutter– Take time to get rid of things that just take up space. Or that you no longer need. Getting rid of excess items in your home frees up space and makes your spring cleaning easier later on.

11. Go Look at Christmas Lights– There are still tons of people that decorate their houses and yards for Christmas. Grab the family, get in the car, and find the best ones.

Check out Winter Activities for Families for more winter family fun.

12. Get exercise – Get up and move! Make sure you’re getting enough exercise each day. Even if it’s just going for a quick walk once a day. Just getting yourself moving each day is a great way to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

13. Eat Right– The holidays in winter are usually all about the food and goodies. Make sure that you’re eating a balanced enough diet to make sure you don’t pack on extra weight in the winter.

14. Get Sunlight– There is less sunlight in winter. But getting out into the little bit of sun that is out there does wonders for your spirits and energy.

15. Make Goals For Next Year – With the year coming to an end it’s a great time to start thinking about next year. What things do you want to tackle? What are the big things you want to get done?

16. Reflect on The Past Year – This is the best time to look back and see what has changed for you. Or even what hasn’t that you thought would have. Then you could see what you could have done differently to meet that goal.

Final Thoughts

Self-care in winter is all about lifting your spirits in the winter months and really taking care of yourself.

Whether you just want to be warm and cozy or get outside more. Any of these self-care activities are great to use not just in the winter but throughout the year.

What is your favorite winter self-care activity? Let me know in the comments.