One of the hardest things to do is to keep busy when you feel like there is nothing to do. Being stuck inside for weeks at a time is something that probably none of us has had to do in our lives. The house is as clean as it’s going to get and there is nothing left to do. It can be hard to come up with ways to beat boredom when you feel like there is nothing left to do around the house.
Chances are just like most people right now, you have more time than you know what to do with. Instead of sitting on the couch binge-watching T.V. for the next few weeks check out these 5 ways to beat the boredom.
Learn a new skill/ work on an existing one
This is a great time to learn a new skill or work on some that you were already perusing. We all know that you can hop on YouTube and watch hundreds of tutorials on different things, but there are other places that you can find free online courses or classes on a variety of subjects.
Some of the sites to check out are Skillshare or Udemy. Both have free classes or courses available or you can buy access to others. You just need to create an account and pick what classes you want to take.
Deep clean the house
Normally we don’t have the time to do a really good deep clean and declutter around the house on a regular basis
Now you more than likely have the time (even if the whole family is home). The best way to do this is to go from room to room.
Take the time to go through each room and get rid of things that you no longer need or use. Save them in bags or boxes so that you can take them to your local donation center, or sell to a consignment shop.
Begin a work-out routine
Again, YouTube is a gold mine for this. Whether you want to do cardio, yoga or any other type of work out, you can find hundreds of different workout videos that are free to access.
Start a garden
Since its spring there is still time to get started on a garden. You can get the stuff to start a small garden or inside plants fairly cheaply.
Then just hop online to see what the next steps would be. A good resource to check out is the National Gardening Association or Fine Gardening.
Both of these can give you tips on the best things to plant and when the best times are.

Related Reading: 6 Changes to help improve your mindset and Ways to Get Motivated
Explore your creative side
This is a great time to see if you enjoy creating things. You can try some DIY crafts or projects around the house.
Try drawing the things that you see around the house or out in the yard. Go for a walk and take some cool pictures of the areas around you with your smartphone.
You can also try your hand at writing. Writing is a great way to express yourself in private and to work through any thoughts or feelings that you might have.
This is absolutely the best time to start a blog especially if you have a lot of spare time.
Starting a blog is a great way to keep boredom at bay. You can get hosting for a very affordable price. I use Bluehost and have had a great experience with them so far.
Even if you don’t know how to do much creatively there are many resources online that can show you how to do new projects or crafts. Pinterest is a great place to start for this. You can just search and find hundreds of different projects or crafts to try at home.
Final thoughts
Even though you feel like there is nothing to do, you can always find some way to beat boredom. Whether its finally taking time to take care of yourself, or to learn something new. Now is the time to focus on you and maybe do something new that you have always wanted to.
If there are any other ways to beat boredom that you know, let me know in the comments!
I’ve definitely gone off TV after watching too much. Instead today I did a workout, decluttered my wardrobe and did some calligraphy practice. It’s amazing how much better (and smug) I feel!
It always makes me feel better to get moving and be productive too, even when I don’t feel like it!
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