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Ways to Get Motivated in The Morning

ways to get motivated in the morning

Something hard for me and a lot of people is getting motivated in the morning. For me some days just getting up in the morning is hard. Let alone getting motivated to dive headfirst into the day. But there are a ton of things that you can do to get motivated in the morning, so you start each day on the right track. Here are some of the best ways to get yourself going in the morning that I have found.

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How to Get Motivated in The Morning

Getting up and going can be hard for the best of us. Especially if you’re not a morning person, which I definitely not. I’m one of those people that has at least 3 alarms set for in the morning. And has to have a few cups of coffee to really get going. These are just some of the things that I try to do to get myself moving. They won’t work for everyone but you may find some that work for you.

Get enough sleep at night

This of course is one of the main parts of getting motivated in the morning. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feel it the next day. And if you consistently don’t get enough, it can really play hell with you both physically and mentally. Most adults need to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep each night is one of the easiest ways to get motivated in the morning.

But there are times that it is almost impossible. Or you just can’t wind down. If that is the case, there are several things you can try:

Now, these may not work for everyone. But they are a good place to start if you regularly have trouble sleeping. If you are really having a hard time every night you may want to talk to your doctor about it.

Get right out of bed

I mean it! Get out of bed. Hitting the snooze button several times and trying for just “a few more minutes makes it really hard to get up and going. One good tip to get you out of bed first thing is to put your alarm on the other side of the room or just out of reach. That way you must get up to turn it off.

You could also look into several different alarm clocks to see if there are ones that work best for you. There are ones that roll around the room until you catch it and turn it off. Or you can get an app that makes you play a game or solve a math problem before it will stop.

Meditate first thing

Once you get out of bed, meditate for a few minutes. This will help to wake up both your mind and body so you can get ready for the day ahead. There are a ton of places to find morning meditations online. All you need to do is find the one that works best for you.

Related Reading: Why You Need a Daily Routine and Morning Routine

Eat a good breakfast

If you are anything like me you need food to function first thing in the morning. One cannot survive on coffee alone (I know, I’ve tried). I know that preparing a full breakfast can be hard when you are strapped for time. But there are ways around it too. You can prep the night before so you can just grab and go. Or you can pre-make a smoothie from fresh fruits and grains. Another option is to get a frozen smoothie mix and add yogurt or milk to make it more filling. That way you can drink it on the go or right at home.

Drink a glass of water to get motivated

Drinking a glass of water first thing is a great way to wake yourself up. When you sleep you are not taking in any fluids so you wake up a little dehydrated. Having a glass of water first thing helps to replace/replenish the amount of water in your body. It is also a good way to wake yourself up a little bit.

Hit the gym/ workout at home/ yoga

Getting some exercise first thing is a wonderful way to keep yourself going in the morning. One thing I like to do is some light yoga first thing after I have my coffee and breakfast. This gets the blood flowing and helps to wake your mind up the rest of the way. If you want to keep track of your fitness and/or other habits these habit trackers are a great way to go!

Go for a walk

Just like working out, walking is a great way to get up and moving each day. If regular workouts are not something you would normally do. You can always go for a quick walk to get your body moving.

Plan the day the night before

When I finish up for the night I like to write down what I need or want to do the next day. That way I can go ahead and get right to work in the morning after I get up. I like to use a planner and keep track of each task. If it doesn’t get done that day, it goes at the top for the next. That way I always know what to do when I sit down to work.

Make the bed

Making the bed is such a small thing. But it can actually set the tone for the day. Plus you tend to feel better if you know that everything is in its place. Just putting the bed in order is a way to tidy up your room.

Tidy up the night before

Before I settle down for the night I like to pick up the living room and kitchen. The reason for this is that I don’t wake up to a mess in the morning. Having this as part of my nighttime routine sends a signal to my brain that soon it is time to settle down for the night. If you make it part of your routine then it becomes second nature to pick up a little bit before bed.

Have cup of coffee or tea

Drinking a cup of your favorite coffee or tea is a great way to get motivated in the morning. I usually set the coffee pot the night before so that it’s ready when I get up. Something is motivating about have a hot cup of coffee ready for you first thing in the morning. The caffeine helps too 😉

Getting Motivated in The Moring Final Thoughts

Let’s face it. Getting motivated in the morning is hard for a lot of people. Most of us don’t just jump out of bed eager to take on the day. But once you find the right sequence or routine to get you motivated for the day. It becomes so much easier to get up ready to face what the world has in store for you.

What do you do to get motivated in the morning? Let me know in the comments!