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Habits of Highly Productive People

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Have you ever wondered what it is that makes some people so productive? What habits of productive people are different from those of us that are maybe not quite as productive as we’d like. Well, let’s dive in and see what it is that they do differently from the rest of the world.

Productive people get up early

Highly productive people get things done by getting an early start. They get up earlier in the morning and get a head start on the day. There have been many studies that show most people are more productive first thing in the morning. So if you want to tackle that long list you have, get up a little earlier to get started on it.

Eliminate distractions

By eliminating distractions you can focus on the tasks you need to complete. This means putting your phone in another room. Closing all tabs that you don’t need on the computer and letting others around you know that you need to get some things done. That way you can do your best to get what you need to do.

Delegate tasks

If you can try to delegate work that you don’t enjoy doing. It could be by hiring a Virtual Assistant. Or even having a family member help with some of the easier aspects of what you do. By delegating smaller tasks to others you can get the more important tasks done.

Productive people avoid procrastination

Admit it you have done it before. I know I have. I have spent hours researching or tweaking something that didn’t need to be. Productive people avoid procrastination. They close unnecessary tabs on the computer, turn on do not disturb, and do other things that will keep them on task.

Take breaks

Productive people take breaks when they need to. Experts suggest that you need to move around at least once an hour when you are working. By taking small breaks during your working hours. You are more likely to keep focused on what you are doing and not get distracted.

Eat right

By making sure you are eating right you can boost your productivity. Eating foods that keep you fuller, longer will help keep you from being hungry all the time and increase your productivity.

Use the 80/20 rule

This means that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. This means that if you make sure to focus on tasks that will bring you the most results, you will see better outcomes in the long run. Highly productive people know exactly what to spend their time on for the best results.

Use music the right way (don’t jam out while working)

Listening to music while working on any project can make you more efficient. But you have to make sure that it’s the right music. There have been many times that I have had a song that I really like come on and get distracted from what I am doing. To keep this from happening stick to Jazz, Classical, or other Instrumental music.

Do the hard stuff first (or boring)

Getting the harder tasks done first will keep you from putting them off. This can also be anything that you don’t enjoy doing. By getting it done and out of the way, you can better focus on the things that you enjoy doing later.

tools to help with productivity

Batch work

You hear this all the time. But it has been proven that doing similar tasks in a batched chunk of time makes it easier to concentrate on what you are doing. Instead of changing between different things you can use your energy to get more things done in a lesser amount of time. Productive people learned how to do this early on. It’s one of the things that keeps them productive.

Break up large tasks

If you have a larger project that you need to do. Try breaking it up into smaller blocks of time if you can. Do all of your outlining and research in one sitting. Any outreach or interviews the next and so on. This will make it easier to get large projects done. This follows along with

Use time tracking apps

Using something to track your time ensures that you are using that time wisely. There are a variety of ones to chose from. But what you want to make sure of is that it is the right fit for you.

Use schedulars and planners

A good planner and schedular are necessary if you want to be highly productive. People that are super productive know exactly what they need to do and when. They make use of different online planners and schedulers to keep themselves on task.

Related Reading: Ways to Get Motivated

Get enough sleep

This is one of the best productivity hacks out there. If you are tired from lack of sleep you will not be able to get as much done. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. This makes sure that you are well-rested and able to face the day early.

Productive people have a morning routine

They have the same routine each and every morning. The type of routine that is best for you depends on you. People that are highly productive do things every morning that sets the tone for their day. After that, they get to work.

Don’t focus on email notifications

If it’s in an email it can wait usually. Pick one time of the day to check email and turn off your notifications if you have them on. This will keep you from getting distracted each time you get an email. Another thing to do is unsubscribe from things that you really don’t need to keep up with. This will usually mean store emails about sales and promotions. Or spam emails.

Turn off all notifications

I mean it! Turn them OFF! But seriously. You don’t need to know every time someone post something new on social media. That will lead you into the social media suck and before you know it you have wasted time doing absolutely nothing productive. Productive people strategically utilize social media to make connections and reach more people with their messages.

Keep going no matter what

Even after you have heard no or your ideas get rejected. Highly productive people DO NOT give up. They keep going and learning from their mistakes. You will not do everything perfectly right off the bat. But if you keep going and learning eventually you will get it right. Don’t let rejection or the fear of failure hold you back from doing what you really want to do.

person using a mac book pro
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Exercise (not fries)

Okay, that’s a bit of a joke. But people that are really productive get up and move. Getting daily exercise is a great way to get your blood flowing and get your mind ready to go to work. Even if it’s just a short walk for 20 or 30 minutes in the morning. It will go a long way towards keeping you productive and motivated the rest of the day.

Productive people say no a lot

If it’s something that doesn’t help them achieve their goals, they will usually pass on extra tasks. There is nothing wrong with saying no to things that do nothing for you in the long run. Or even to extra work that will interfere with things you have already committed to. It keeps you from overworking yourself and getting burnt out from working.

Set realistic goals

Productive people set attainable goals. Otherwise said to be SMART goals. These are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Each goal that you set should follow these for the most part. Even if you have some grand end goal in mind. You can still achieve it by breaking it up into smaller goals that are easier to reach in a short, or long period of time.

They use time wisely

Each time that you sit down to work, it needs to be on something that will help you reach your goals. That is where some other habits come in. If you make sure that everything that you do puts you closer to your goals. Then you will be more likely to reach them in a reasonable amount of time.

They like what they do

Productive people like what they are doing. Let’s face it. If every time you sit down to work, you dread the idea of getting started. You will allow everything and everyone distracts you 100% of the time. But if you like and enjoy your work or project that you are working on. You are going to be more productive in getting things done.

Ask for help/advice

If they don’t know something they ask for help along the way. One of the biggest time sucks is trying to figure something out on your own if it’s something that you know nothing about. But if you ask for help. You will learn it faster and be able to get it done in a shorter amount of time.

They don’t multi-task

Multi-tasking is the bane of productivity. If you try to do several things at once, you end up taking longer to get things done. But by doing one thing at a time you can really focus on it and it will be done the right way the first time.

Final thoughts on Productive People

Let’s face it. There is a lot of things that highly productive people that a lot of us don’t do on a regular basis. But if you start with just one or two of the habits on this list, then you will be that much closer to increasing your own productivity.

What do you do to keep your own productivity up?

Let me know in the comments!