When you work in a restaurant you are always looking for ways to make better tips as a server or bartender. It can be tough to make great money when you are first starting out. But there are a few tips and tricks that you can use to make better money.
After having waited tables for over twelve years there are things that I’ve found that work really well. Some of them are were learned the hard way through experience and others are more of a common sense thing. And I am still learning things to this day. It’s a job that constantly changes and can be very unpredictable some days.
All of these tips are ones that are used by servers that make decent money waiting tables and they have been doing it for a long time.
Those that make really good money have learned that there is more to it than just taking orders and delivering food to tables. There are some really simple things you can do to increase your tips as a server.
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What To Do To Make Better Tips as a Server
Most of the time the amount that you can make has a lot to do with the type of restaurant that you work at and/or the location.
Places that are in urban or tourist areas tend to be busier than those that are located in a more suburban or rural area.
Also, those that have higher prices will result in bigger tips than those with more affordable menu items.
While the type and location of the restaurant are important, there are things that many people don’t think about. These are things you need to know and do to wait tables well and make a living at them.
There are several different things that you should remember or at least take into consideration that can set you apart from the run-of-the-mill server at a restaurant.
Many of these can transfer over into other types of jobs or careers and it’s a good idea to learn them regardless of where you work.
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Be Personable
This trait is essential because you need to build a relationship with those that are visiting the restaurant.
People that go out to eat do not want a grumpy and/or upset person to take care of them. If you are not in the best of moods they will pick up on it and it can affect their view of not just you. But the establishment as a whole.
If you are energetic and upbeat, they will have a pleasant experience. And are more likely to not just come back, but to suggest that others try the place as well.
Be Presentable
Most places have set uniforms that the employees are required to wear, but others are laxer with their expectations.
If the place you work is not strict about attire, it is left up to you to show up in a manner that is presentable.
This means clean clothes and an apron each shift, tidy hair, and clothing that is appropriate to the workplace. Another must-have is comfortable shoes. No one is grumpier than a server with sore feet from shoes that aren’t comfortable. My favorites are Skechers for work. They are probably the best shoes I have ever gotten and I have worn them for years
Have a Good memory
You don’t have to remember everything without writing it down. A good server book is all you need to keep your orders organized and neat.
Don’t get me wrong it’s awesome if you can take multiple orders without writing it down, but it’s not really necessary. And it can lead to mix-ups and wrong orders sometimes.
I think that those that take entire orders for groups of more than two without writing them down are really just showing off. But you should at least remember the basics of what people ordered and what they are drinking.
There are times that you won’t remember, hell I have been waiting tables for over 10 years and still forget what people ordered to drink if too much happens between the table and the drink station. But that is usually if the drink order is on the large side and people ask for a lot of things before I get a chance to write anything down.

Related To Ways To Increase Tips: Memory Tips For Servers and Self-Care For Servers and Bartenders
Product and Menu Knowledge
You should know what each item on the menu consists of and how it is served.
One of the reasons that you should know what is in most of the dishes is that there are times that people will have either food allergies or
It is important that you can give them the correct suggestions based on their dietary needs. Another reason for this is that it looks much more professional if you can answer questions right at the table rather then having to leave to find the answer.
Most of this comes after working somewhere for a while, but one of the first things that you should do is to familiarize yourself with the menu so that you can start to learn it as soon as possible.
Listen to criticism
There are different types of criticism.
The one that is helpful here is one that will show you what you might be doing wrong and help you to correct the mistake.
There are times that your manager or other servers will let you know that you are doing something wrong when this happens, listen to them so you can correct what you are doing wrong.
Be polite
Now, this is not the same as being personable.
What I mean by this is even when a customer is being an ass, smile, nod and pretend that it doesn’t bother you (even when it does).
Most of the time they are either projecting their own bad day on to you, or they really are just an ass.
Either way, you still have to be polite and wait on them. If you can’t get past it, pass the table to someone else and try to get on with your shift.
Final Thoughts on Ways To Make More Tips As A Server
One final tip is that you need to be able to adapt to changes that occur. They can happen to the world around you, or to just where you work. But if you can roll with the changes the chances of your income being affected in a bad way are a little less.
Many of these tips are specific to working in a restaurant and ways to increase tips as a server. But they can transfer over into other types of jobs, especially those that are based on customer service.
No one wants to go into a store and listen to how bad of a day the clerk or salesperson is having, or have someone who doesn’t seem to care about their appearance take care of them in any setting.
In the end, there is no set way to wait tables. Each person has their own approach and technique, but there are small things that each person can keep in mind so that they can become better servers or salespeople.
What are some other ways have you have found to be successful in a customer-based job or career? Let me know in the comments.